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Payment and dispatch
The following terms and conditions apply:
Dispatch conditions
The products are delivered all over the world.
Dispatch costs (inclusive of legally applicable VAT)
Domestic deliveries (Germany):
We charge a flat shipping fee of 5,00 € per order.
From a order value of 50,00 € onwards, we deliver standard shipments free of cost within Germany.
If the dispatch involves bulky goods (freight forwarding), we calculate as follows:
Deliveries to foreign countries:
We charge a flat shipping fee for international deliveries:
Ägypten: | 69,90 € | Marokko: | 69,90 € |
Albanien: | 39,90 € | Mazedonien: | 39,90 € |
Algerien: | 69,90 € | Mexiko: | 89,90 € |
Andorra: | 15,90 € | Monaco: | 9,90 € |
Australien: | 89,90 € | Montenegro: | 39,90 € |
Bahrein: | 89,90 € | Namibia: | 89,90 € |
Belgien: | 9,90 € | Niederlande: | 9,90 € |
Bosnien-Herzegowina: | 39,90 € | Norwegen: | 15,90 € |
Bulgarien: | 15,90 € | Österreich: | 9,90 € |
Chile: | 89,90 € | Polen: | 9,90 € |
Dänemark: | 9,90 € | Portugal: | 15,90 € |
Estland: | 15,90 € | Rumänien: | 15,90 € |
Färöer: | 39,90 € | Russland: | 69,90 € |
Finnland: | 14,90 € | San Marino: | 15,90 € |
Frankreich: | 9,90 € | Saudi-Arabien: | 89,90 € |
Georgien: | 69,90 € | Schweden: | 15,90 € |
Griechenland: | 15,90 € | Schweiz: | 9,90 € |
Großbritannien: | 15,90 € | Serbien: | 39,90 € |
Irland: | 15,90 € | Singapur: | 89,90 € |
Island: | 39,90 € | Slovenien: | 15,90 € |
Israel: | 69,90 € | Slovakei: | 15,90 € |
Italien: | 15,90 € | Spanien: | 15,90 € |
Japan: | 89,90 € | Südkorea: | 89,90 € |
Kanada: | 89,90 € | Thailand: | 89,90 € |
Kroatien: | 15,90 € | Tschechische Republik: | 9,90 € |
Kuwait: | 89,90 € | Tunesien: | 69,90 € |
Libanon: | 69,90 € | Türkei: | 69,90 € |
Libyen: | 69,90 € | Ukraine: | 39,90 € |
Lichtenstein: | 9,90 € | Ungarn | 15,90 € |
Litauen: | 15,90 € | USA | 89,90 € |
Luxemburg: | 9,90 € | Ver. Arabische Emirate | 89,90 € |
Malta: | 39,90 € | Zypern | 39,90 € |
Delivery periods
Unless otherwise specified in the quote, domestic delivery of goods shall be made (Germany) within 3 - 5 days, for deliveries abroad within 5 - 7 days from conclusion of contract (if advance payment agreed from the date of the payment instruction).
Please note that deliveries are not made on Sundays and other holidays.
If you have ordered articles with different delivery dates, we send the articles together in one delivery if no other agreement has been made. The delivery date for the complete order will be the same as that of the article with the longest delivery time.
In case of self-collection, we will inform you by email once the product is ready, along with the collection options. In this case, dispatch costs will not be charged.
Terms of payment
For domestic deliveries (Germany) the following payment options are available:
- Payment in cash at the time of collection
- Prepayment via transfer
- Cash on delivery
- Payment via credit card
- Payment via PayPal
- Payment via instalment purchase (via ratenkauf by easycredit)
- Payment by invoice
In case of deliveries to a foreign country, you have the following payment options:
- Prepayment via transfer
- Payment via credit card
- Payment via PayPal
Further details on payment
Payment by invoice is possible under the following condition:
up to max. 300€
The invoice amount is to be settled at the time of payment on invoice within 10 days.
If payment is made using a credit card, your credit card account is debited in conjunction with the conclusion of the contract.
Our bank account:
Volksbank Lohne-Mühlen
IBAN: DE 57 2806 2560 0003 0708 00
Konto: 30 70 800
BLZ: 280 625 60
In case of questions, please contact us at the contact details mentioned in the Legal Notice.
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